So with ANTA we see the same pattern: We present evidence of fraud (in this case, well over 100 pages and counting), the company denies it, and surrogates come out to defend the company. In this case, the company has shifted almost all of the burden of defense to the ever-pliable sell-side, effectively turning some analysts into little more than sock puppets. Ordinarily, managements have no effective downside to trying to lie their way out of fraud accusations – there is usually no increased regulatory penalty or shareholder opprobrium, so lying in the fact of fraud accusations becomes one of the most asymmetric bets a management can undertake. In ANTA’s case, it has outsourced much of the lying to the sock puppets, effectively mutualizing the reputational risk. We now address these lies-in-response.
Conclusion ANTA has shown no evidence to counter the well over 100 pages of evidence and commentary regarding ANTA’s corruption. Rather, it has relied on proxies to make unsupported (and nonsensical) statements. Why? Because liars lie.
(李昕)[环球时报驻美国、德国特派特约记者 李晓宏 唐钰 青木 环球时报记者 李司坤 王会聪]前段时间,网上流传一个中美针锋相对的惩罚清单——美国对中国征税的领域多为有科技含量的产品,中国针对美国的领域则集中于农产品和初级产品,以至于不少人总结说“农业国美国向工业国中国发起挑战”。这当然是玩笑话。美国是世界上最大的工业化国家,同时是全球首屈一指的农业强国。农业在美国整体经济中所占比重很小,但却是美国为数不多出口超过进口的产业。正因为如此,每当美国与他国发生贸易摩擦,美国的农业和农民往往首当其冲。国际媒体常有“美国喂养世界”的说法,而农业的特殊地位也使该行业与美国政治产生千丝万缕的联系。